Maki Kawase On Gun Control (2025)

1. Scholarly Articles on Gun Control: History, Legislation & Activism - Gale

  • Bevat niet: Kawase | Resultaten tonen met:Kawase

  • Gale offers an overview of issues related to gun control, derived from scholarly sources and academic journals. Read about legislation and activism.

2. Is Japan's Effective Gun Control System a Candidate for Export?

3. How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

  • Bevat niet: Kawase | Resultaten tonen met:Kawase

  • Japan has one of the lowest rates of gun crime in the world, and the rules around ownership are very strict.

How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

4. On Gun Registration, the NRA, Adolf Hitler, and Nazi Gun Laws

  • The Nazi gun laws of 1938 specifically banned Jewish persons from obtaining a license to manufacture firearms or ammunition.

  • Say the words "gun registration" to many pro-gun Americans and you are likely to hear that one of the first things that Hitler did when he seized power was to impose strict gun registration requirements that enabled him to identify gun owners and then to confiscate all guns, effectively disarming his opponents and paving the way for the Holocaust. One of the more curious twists in the historical debate, though, is that the most vocal opponent of this argument is also pro-gun. It is the National Alliance, a white supremacist organization. According to them, "German Firearms legislation under Hitler, far from banning private ownership, actually facilitated the keeping and bearing of arms by German citizens by eliminating or ameliorating restrictive laws which had been enacted by the government preceding his." So which pro-gunner should we believe? Following Germany's defeat in World War I, the Weimar Republic passed very strict gun control laws in an attempt both to stabilize the country and to comply with the Versailles Treaty of 1919 – laws that in fact required the surrender of all guns to the government. These laws remained in effect until 1928, when the German parliament relaxed gun restrictions and put into effect a strict firearm-licensing scheme. These strict licensing regulations foreshadowed Hitler's rise to power. If you read the 1938 Nazi gun laws closely and compare them to earlier 1928 Weimar gun legislation – as a straightforward exercise of statutory interpretat...

5. [PDF] Gun Control in America and Japan: Ideas for a Second Amendment ...

  • Bevat niet: Maki Kawase

6. NintendoSwitch / Games N-Z - TV Tropes

  • A page for describing NintendoSwitch: Games N-Z. For a list of Arcade Archives titles, return to the main page. For games on the Nintendo Switch Online …

  • For a list of Arcade Archives titles, return to the main page. For games on the Nintendo Switch Online service, visit that page. NAIRI: Tower of Shirin Namco Museum Pac-Man Galaga Dig Dug Galaga '88 Splatterhouse The Tower of Druaga Rolling …

NintendoSwitch / Games N-Z - TV Tropes

7. Play Online 🕹️ PS1 Games

  • 007 Racing · 2002 FIFA World Cup · Crash Bandicoot · 007: Tomorrow Never Dies

  • PlayStation PS1 / PSX emulator to play games online in your browser.

Play Online 🕹️ PS1 Games

8. Gun Violence Prevention | Congressman Mark Desaulnier

  • The bill would create a Gun Safety Board to conduct research, make policy recommendations, and evaluate proposals aimed at reducing gun violence.

  • The United States is the gun violence capital of the world. Every day, there are more than 30 gun-related deaths. The common sense reforms we have made in California are working, and Congressman DeSaulnier is leading the way to bring them to the national level to make our families, schools, and communities safer while adhering to the Second Amendment.

Gun Violence Prevention | Congressman Mark Desaulnier
Maki Kawase On Gun Control (2025)


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